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Stars get ‘lippy’ at Glastonbury

The UK’s biggest and most trendy music festival, Glastonbury, took place last week in Somerset, and the celebs attending the event probably got more media coverage than the performers themselves.

While the typical festival look of super short skirts and/or tiny shorts and wellingtons is usually accompanied by natural beauty looks, as in bare of any make-up at all coupled with sunglasses, some celebs glammed up their faces with lipstick to good effect.

‘Queen’s Gambit’ actress Anya Taylor-Joy enhanced her unique looks with deep red lipstick, as did ‘Game of Thrones’ star Maisie Williams. In both instances, the gash of colour contrasted sharply with the stars’ pale complexions.

Lily James on left @lilyjamesofficial

Britain’s current ‘it’ actress, Lily James, opted for a more brownish shade of lipstick, so not as colourful and striking as red, but still fully effective. Actress Gemma Chan went the same route and looked good in the process.

Gemma Chan @gemmachan

All of which goes to show what an effect just the simple application of lipstick can have on a face. (Report by Joanna Sterkowicz)