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How to create a welcoming environment for clients

The fastest and easiest way to increase client loyalty is by improving the quality of the customer service which your salon delivers.

So says beauty business expert Liz McKeon in the September issue of Professional Beauty magazine.

She continues: “When you take care of your clients well and they tell others, then you know you have delivered on the quality of the service. If you do this every time, with every client, you will see client loyalty, retention and referrals seriously escalate.

“A new client will develop an impression about your employees and your business, in the first seven seconds with your therapist. In that tiny slice of time, they will judge your employee in 11 different ways, all of which will affect how likely it is that they will do business with you again.

“The outcome of these judgements is important – clients will roll these judgements into one opinion of your business, which will determine how likely they are to become a repeat client. The decision they make is either that they like your employee (and therefore your salon), or they dislike your employee (and therefore your salon), or they are indifferent.”

To read what else McKeon has to say on the topic go to pages 20 and 21 of the magazine. Click here